Introducing Facebook Watch | Ad Breaks | Facebook For Creators 2018

Introducing Facebook Watch | Ad Breaks | Facebook For Creators 2018

In this video, we are going to discuss Facebook Watch | Ad Breaks | Facebook For Creators 2018.

Facebook is enhancing the project "Facebook for creators" to 22 other countries after testing it in 5 countries.

Last year the Facebook launch 'Facebook for Creators' for tesging purpose. Now, the company have found the project getting attention all around the world.

The plan is to introduce the 'Facebook Watch' to the people around the world.

Like Goolge Adsense, Facebook is going to introduce 'Ads Break'. The publisher and the creators will be able to interact via ads Break.

The policies for enabling the monetizatoin for 'Facebook Watch' are not as strict as Youtube.

Here is the criteria for enabling your Facebook page for monetization.

Facebook Page Followers: 10,000

Video Duration: 3 Minutes or above.

Views: 30,000

The single view will be count only if the viewer watches the video for complete One Minute.

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